Saturday, December 9, 2017

An Autumn Scene: Walt Whitman

Lo, 'tis autumn,
Lo, where the trees, deeper green, yellower
Cool and sweeten Ohio's villages with leaves flut-
tering in the moderate wind,
Where apples ripe in the orchards hang and grapes
on the trellis'd vines,
(Smell you the smell of the grapes on the vines?
Smell you the buckwheat where the bees were
lately buzzing?)
Above all, lo, the sky so calm, so transparent after
the rain, and with wondrous clouds,
Below too, all calm, all vital and beautiful, and
the farm prospers well.

Summary: In this poem, 'An Autumn Scene', the poet Walt Whitman describes the beauty of autumn. An autumn is a very comfortable season. It brings comfort to all people. In autumn, the trees in the orchards become deeper green, yellower and redder with different kinds of fruits. There are ripe apples in the orchards of the villages and grapes in the grapevines. The sky is fully covered with wondrous clouds. It brings prosperity to all villagers. The poet explained it as a vital and beautiful season.