Thursday, May 19, 2016

Winter The Huntsman: Osbert Sitwell

Through his iron glades
Rides Winter the Huntsman,
All colour fades
As his horn is heard sighing.

Far through the forest
His wild hooves crash and thunder,
Till many a mighty branch
Is torn asunder.

And the red reynard creeps
To his hole near the river,
The copper leaves fall
And the bare trees shiver.

As night creeps from the ground,
Hides each tree from its brother,
And each dying sound
Reveals yet another.

Is it Winter the Huntsman
Who gallops through his iron glades,
Cracking his cruel whip
To the gathering shades?

Summary: In this poem, 'Winter The Huntsman,' the poet Osbert Sitwell describes about Winter The Huntsman who rides on his noble steed in the middle of the forest during winter to search for his next prey. That time all colours are fading as he runs through his iron glades. His horn is heard sighing while he is running through the cold wind. The crash and thunder of wild hooves heard from far away until mighty branches are divided. The red reynard moves to its hole near the river, the copper leaves fall and the bare trees shiver during that time. When night comes each tree hides from others, but at the same time each dying sound reveals another.