Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Kitten At Play: William Wordsworth

See the kitten on the wall,
Sporting with the leaves that fall,
Withered leaves, one, two, and three
Falling from the elder-tree,
Through the calm and frosty air
Of the morning bright and fair.

See the kitten, how she starts,
Crouches, stretches, paws and darts;
With a tiger-leap half way
Now she meets her coming prey.
Lets it go as fast and then
Has it in her power again.

Now she works with three and four,
Like an Indian conjuror;
Quick as he in feats of art;
Gracefully she plays her part;
Yet were gazing thousands there,
What would little Tabby care?

Summary: In this poem, ‘The Kitten at Play,’ the poet William Wordsworth describes about the kitten which is taking preparation to prey. The poet calls us to see the activities of the kitten before prey. The kitten was playing on the wall with the falling leaves. In the bright and fair morning, these leaves fall from the elder tree. The kitten bend down, stretch and goes half-way with a tiger–leap. When she comes near to her prey, she runs fast and jump on her prey. She elegantly plays her part like an Indian magician. She does not care anyone, though thousands were gazing there.


  1. Give a big summary. Very stupid and disgusting

  2. can u tell me which season in the poem does the poet refer to?

    1. The poem is set in autumn as the leaves are withered and are falling, and the air is frosty suggested line
      "Withered leaves one,two and three,
      Falling from the elder tree;
      Through the calm and frosty air
      Of the morning bright and fair."

  3. Why does the speaker says that the kitten works like an Indian conjurer?

  4. How does the speaker describe the day?

  5. E
    Thanks really helped for my studies

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